» Online Booking is only available for face to face appointments in Dumfries for the following:
- Contraception repeat prescriptions
- To discuss contraception choices
- Implant insertion and/or removal
- STI testing – symptomatic or asymptomatic
- PrEP assessment or follow-up
- The Clinic for 13-18 yr olds
» Phone or » email for all other appointments or enquiries, including emergency contraception, coils, vasectomies, or if you want a consultation over the phone (or at our clinic in Stranraer).
Please note that Emergency Contraception is also available from any Pharmacy.
Emergency HIV PEP is also available from Emergency Departments.
Tests will not show accurate results for STIs if you were infected within the last 2 weeks.
As long as you don't have symptoms, and you don't need emergency contraception or HIV PEP, please wait two weeks to be tested (after any new sexual contact you might be concerned about).
Online booking is available 24/7. Appointments can be booked over the phone Monday to Friday 8.30am to 4.30pm. Emails are answered during office hours.
We no longer run drop-in clinics except for The Clinic for 13-18 yr olds on Mondays 3:45pm to 5:45pm at Sexual Health, Nithbank, Dumfries.
Appointments can be booked by email in any language » [email protected]
If you do not speak English, you can ask to have a phone interpreter at your appointment. Please tell us what language and what dialect you need when you book your appointment and we will arrange it for you. It is preferable that your family or friends are not used as interpreters, for reasons of confidentiality and clinical accuracy.
Sexual Health D&G at Nithbank in Dumfries is fully accessible.
- The disabled parking spaces are close to the main door of the building.
- There are no steps outside nor inside the building.
- The doorways & corridors are wide, ensuring good wheelchair access.
The external doors are automatic – on sensors. If closed, please press the buzzer and one of our staff will open them.
- The waiting area is spacious and quiet, usually with no more than two people at a time.
- A radio is on in the background. If you are on the autistic spectrum, and hypersensitive to such noises, please let us know before your visit and we can ensure that it is switched off.

The toilet facilities are accessible.
- Spacious clinic rooms for good wheelchair access.
- A Sign Language service is available »
- Access to a clinical room that has a hoist, for clinical examinations or procedures, can be arranged if necessary.
- The Sexual Health D&G clinic in Stranraer is also fully accessible.