See also: Anal Sex

Regardless of how you identify - straight, gay, bi, pansexual - if you have sexual contact with other men, remember:

- If you might be having anal sex without a condom, reduce your risks by taking HIV PrEP medication.
- Protect yourself with HPV & Hepatitis vaccinations.
HPV can cause throat & anal cancer and hepatitis can result in serious liver disease, including cancer.
- Use a condom & water-based lube for anal sex. Try a range of condom sizes to see what fits best; finding the perfect condom size leads to safer and more pleasurable sex for everyone.
- Use condoms for oral sex. Syphilis is easily passed on through oral sex. Gonorrhoea and Chlamydia can also be spread this way. Even though many people don't use condoms for oral sex, it is very important that you do so if you're in a relationship with someone else (e.g. if you're married, but sleeping around) so that you're reducing the risk of passing STI's to your long-term partner.
- If you are on PrEP, continue. If you are not on PrEP and have had anal sex without a condom or if a condom has burst, attend an Emergency Department or Sexual Health Clinic for HIV PEP medication. It can stop you catching HIV. It has to be taken within 72 hrs, ideally within 24 hrs.
- Contact your Sexual Health Clinic for regular testing for Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs). Most STIs have no symptoms.
These are important for your own health, and the health of your sexual partners, especially if you're in a long-term relationship with someone else.